The Cynical Guru identifies and answers some Dumb-*ss Questions.

Yes, there really are Dumb-*ss Questions! (Sorry... If you believe that "there's no such thing as a bad question," you've probably never had to answer questions.)

Dumb-*ss Questions are those that:

  • are so basic that you should already know the answer. These type of questions speak to a lack of basic knowledge.
  • can be easily answered through basic research or googling. These type of questions demonstrate laziness.
  • are based on biases, assumptions, or conclusions that are NOT based on facts or logic. These type of questions demonstrate an inability to learn and reason.
  • are non-questions which cannot be answered (NAQTINA). These illustrate a lack of logic and specificity.

[Also see: FAQ, Acronyms and Abbreviations, Definitions]

What if I don't believe people are "selfish"?

 - That's OK. You are free to subscribe to whatever explanation of human behavior and motivation makes sense to you.

 - If you have some insights that challenge or improve Cynical Theory, I am open to learning from you.

What qualifications do you have to develop Cynical Theory?

 - The Cynical Guru has no formal education or qualifications in social sciences (Social Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, Anthropology, et al.).

 - The Cynical Guru has decades of experience working with people and observing their behavior, and invested a significant amount of intellectual energy to analyze, evaluate, test, validate, improve, and document Cynical Theory.

 - You don't need a formal music degree to appreciate music for yourself, do you? You should judge for yourself if Cynical Theory makes sense to you.

How do I know if Cynical Theory is legitimate?

 - First, it's a "theory" -- which means it is subject to testing, validation, and improvement utilzing the scientific method.

 - Second, it is an addition or supplement to a body of knowledge surrounding human behavior and motivation. Time will tell whether Cynical Theory is meritorious.

 - Third, you can judge for yourself if The Cynical Guru's unique perspective and content helps you conquer the Cynical World.