7 min read

Cynical Theory: Culture Imposes Standards

Your thinking and behavior are affected by cultural standards.
Eight red pawns grouped together on the left and on black pawn alone on the right.
Photo by Markus Spiske

Cynical Theory is a set of six axioms that explain human motivation and behavior. Axiom 5 (Culture Imposes Standards) posits that "culture" imposes constraints on how you think and behave. On a micro level, when you understand "cultural brainwashing," you can appreciate people as they are. On a macro level, when you recognize the influences of culture, you can regain control and counter negative persuasion. You will appreciate the influences that social, economic, religious, political, geographic, and psychological standards have on beliefs, behavior, and success.

About Cynical Theory

Cynical Theory is my explanation of the fundamental motivations of people; it provides a basis for understanding human motivation, behavior, and how to interact with others. It is codified in six axioms.

When I use the word "cynical." I associate it with the definition: “based on or reflecting a belief that human conduct is motivated primarily by self-interest.” My use of the word "cynical" is synonymous with "selfish."

I introduced Cynical Theory to help you understand and conquer the Cynical World.

What is culture?

Culture is "the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group."

When many people exhibit similar behaviors, it is called "culture." Participation in a specific culture means acceptance of the associated group norms and values. Everyone then exhibits identical behavior. Thus, an individual is influenced by these cultural group standards.

A person's cultural influences affect how they think and behave. Examples of cultural influences are language, beliefs, ethnicity, education, traditions, customs, art, music, literature, or symbols. When we belong to a group, we emulate and participate according to the acceptable principles, values, and norms of the group.

Every workplace has a unique culture (positive, neutral, or negative). The corporate culture significantly affects mental health, performance, and satisfaction. Ultimately, the performance of the company is influenced by the quality of its culture.

Are you an oddball?

Do you always comply with your primary cultural norms? If you don't, you may be labeled in a spectrum of non-compliance from major (oddball, weirdo, or crazy) to minor (eccentric, quirky, or unconventional).

Those labels denote a person who doesn't comply with cultural norms in some way. The degree to which the custom is challenged determines the harshness of the label applied. If you cross the line of acceptable variance, you may be punished by or banished from the tribe.

No one wants to attract the wrath of their community, so compliance with the cultural standards is the result. It's what is constantly happening around you.

Few people think about what is happening and why.

How independent are you?

Do you think and act independently?

I used to think that I did. But when I analyzed my motivation and behavior, I realized I was constrained. I did act independently - but only within the boundaries of the culture I accepted.

As a youth, I rebelled against religious teachings. I witnessed too much hypocrisy to continue with the faith. That was my first experience of REAL independence. It was the first time that I challenged the norms in my family.

Until that event, like most people, I thought I was living my life as I chose. I believed I was living autonomously, making decisions, and controlling my behavior. However, I realized I was a lemming - following the crowd, doing what everyone else was doing, having a similar perspective, and behaving in the same manner.

That revelation set me on a different path: discovery and understanding. I realized that much of what I thought, how I behaved, and who I was had been programmed by external forces and factors.

I wondered, "Why is that?" I contemplated my situation and concluded...

I've been brainwashed

Culture is an external force that establishes the boundaries of acceptable behavior. Culture establishes the conventions for what you think and how you conduct yourself. All the cultural influences you experienced contributed to creating who you are today.

Because we are sentient beings with free will, we think that we are making the choices that we WANT to make. I suggest that most of your decisions are predisposed to succumb to the cultural values you have been indoctrinated with. Yes, you may have a wide latitude of decision-making power and behavior, but only within the confines of the conventions you accept.

The more you adhere to convention, the more you've been brainwashed!

Religion is a prime example of brainwashing. There are dozens of competing theologies, all with the same premise that their beliefs and practices are the one true way. Who is right? None can provide physical, scientific proof that their deity exists; it is only their fervent belief that supports their religion. What all believers fail to acknowledge is that no matter how large a following there is for their brand of religion, there are ALWAYS more people who believe something else.

Brainwashing isn't bad

You may have an emotional reaction when I discuss brainwashing. If so, it is because you associate the negative connotation, defined as "a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas."

That's the meaning most people think of first because it conjures up an image of bad actors such as cult leaders, dictators, or supervillains. I understand if your thoughts go there first - you've been brainwashed to think that way...

Can you name anyone you know, have read, or heard about who has not associated brainwashing with a bad context?

The negative connotation arises because it is associated with being forced to accept a contrarian idea. You consider yourself in control and don't succumb to pressure to adopt a different idea/concept/belief if you disagree with it already.

There is a second definition of brainwashing, which I prefer, "persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship." This is what is happening in the Cynical World.

If you are still feeling offended, you may substitute a different word. That's fine with me. Brainwashing has many names: education, religion, social norms, culture, marketing, and advertising. These may be more innocuous and acceptable words, but the underlying purpose is the same - to influence your beliefs and actions. You can use these other words - but it doesn't change the fact that it is simply brainwashing. You can use softer words if you wish, but I find that "brainwashing" is the most accurate and descriptive of what is occurring.

Brainwashing is the fundamental process by which "social norms" are created. Civilization can't function without "rules"; these rules are indoctrinated into you as you participate in your culture. You behave congruent with the customary beliefs of the various racial, ethnic, religious, social, economic, geographical, or employment groups.

This is a necessary aspect of modern civilization. We must understand the rules and behave within their constraints. If you deviate from acceptable behavioral boundaries, you will suffer consequences. Therefore, you modulate your behavior to comply with established group standards.

My point isn't that brainwashing is bad; my point is that most people are UNAWARE they've been subjected to brainwashing. When you do not realize that it is occurring you become vulnerable to its effects. My goal is to raise awareness so you can take back control.

Taking control

As Axiom 3, You Are Your History states, everything that happens to you makes you who you are today. The issue I want you to contemplate is that the earliest and most influential brainwashing occurred without your knowledge or consent. It was fate that you were born in a particular time, place, and circumstances. You were subjected to the influences of the inherited environment (family, social, economic, cultural, psychological, chronological, and geographical situation).

Have you ever pondered, "Where did my beliefs come from?" If you are fully self-aware, you have tackled this question.

You will acknowledge the influences that have contributed to your success and well-being. You can continue to reinforce those behaviors that were beneficial. By strengthening the behaviors that make you happy, you live a well-adjusted, balanced, and productive life.

You may recognize that some aspect of your brainwashing has had a detrimental effect on your life. Through assessment and measurement, you can determine which negative influences or traumas have caused you pain and suffering. If you go to the next step, self-improvement, you can deprogram yourself and substitute beliefs and behaviors that serve you better.

You can take control of your ongoing brainwashing. The books you read, the movies you watch, and the people you associate with: are all complicit in influencing your thinking. Everything happening in your world, everything you participate in (family, friends, social media), and everything you seek to learn is part of your developing history. You are empowered to choose what influences you let in, what beliefs you hold, and how you behave.

You are empowered to be the you that you want.

So what?

When you acknowledge that acceptance of your culture is acceptance of the associated brainwashing, you can assess if it benefits you. You do not need to accept the shortcomings and negative impacts on your life. You are empowered to make changes.

If you understand yourself, in the context of brainwashing, you will have a better understanding and appreciation of others. You will be able to identify the cultural influences that contribute to their beliefs and behavior. It can help you become more aware, tolerant, and compassionate of people with diverse views.

When you understand someone's cultural biases, you can identify and use those levers to motivate and encourage positive behavior. Knowing how to respect and empathize with various cultural groups is a human relations superpower. Everyone's life is enhanced when you learn to appreciate the underlying influences that underpin someone's identity.

When you understand the mechanism of cultural brainwashing, you become attuned to how others attempt to influence you for their gain. You can protect yourself from others leveraging your selfishness in an adverse or harmful manner. You can immunize yourself from messages that attempt to sway your point of view and influence your thinking. You can maintain control and not react emotionally to manipulative communications.

By understanding the effects of brainwashing, you can control how you react to stimuli and how to influence others.


  • When many people exhibit similar behaviors, it is called "culture"
  • Culture influences thinking and behavior
  • Adherence to cultural standards constrains behavior
  • The more you adhere to convention, the more you've been brainwashed!
  • The definition of brainwashing I use is "persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship"
  • Recognizing brainwashing exists is empowering:
    • respecting and empathizing with other cultural groups is a human relations superpower
    • maintaining control against manipulative communications benefits you

Be Cynical,


This article is part five of a six-part explanation of Cynical Theory (see: The Reference Guide).